Monday, April 6, 2009

On Paternity Leave

I've never considered the argument for men having leave upon the birth of their children. It sounds practical though. I'm sure they're excited about the birth--perhaps even tired from hours of labor support and newborn adventures. And it's always nice to have some helping hands around.

But what purpose do men serve at home, if moms are

cooking and cleaning
nursing or weaning
rocking and changing

burping and feeding
humming and reading
scrubbing and rubbing

The wear and tear on women's bodies is unmatched. A woman's body brings forth life. It is the greatest sacrifice for which there is no comparison. Upon birth, a mother's job has not just begun, but rather it is a continuation of the care she provided to her body before and during pregnancy.

Should men have extended paternity leave, or leave comparable to that of women?

Surely, if he is "similarly situated."

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